4 Advantages of Working with an Individual for your Creative and Content Needs

In 2022 there’s lots of ways you and your team can publish content, market it and convert with your audiences. The choices are almost endless. From marketing software to social scheduling apps to big ticket agencies jumping at the bit to bid for work, one thing’s for sure; you’ll get the project done. But in a world of choice, how should you decide whether to hire out, hire from within or hit the pavement and start knocking on some doors?

Admittedly, I’m a bit biased; coming from an agency background it can be awesome to work with an accomplished team that brings together the best and brightest. At the same time having worked independently for some time now, I’m clear on the benefits of working with individuals for your creative and content needs. So I’ll go ahead and make the case for hiring an individual or small creative team for your next exciting project in five easy points.

Discover new ideas. 

The first advantage of working with an individual or contractor for your next project are the new and fresh ideas they bring to the table. Unfettered by agencies and strict work-plans, individual creatives and strategists have the opportunity to hand pick the projects they work on, and reap the benefits as a result. Individual contractors can come highly specialized, but many of the individuals I’ve met along the way in this line of work bring a broad breadth of knowledge across multiple disciplines, stemming from their own need to wear multiple hats on any given project.

Expand your network.

Whether you’re a small organization or an established multi-level firm, attracting new talent can always be a challenge. And keeping that talent is an entirely different matter. Not only does an independent contractor come with their own network of highly skilled contributors that they can pull in at a moment’s notice, they also take pressure off your internal teams when it comes to crossing the finish line. Once connected with a contractor, you can rest easy knowing that once the project ends you have a resource and extended network to reach out to should anything else come up. 

Increased timeline flexibility + responsiveness.

Remember when I mentioned work plans? Yeah, well those are “nice to have’s” rather than “need to have’s” for independent contractors. Although we love to have some deadlines in place, individual creatives can be highly flexible and responsive to shifts in the project. Since we’re often our own bosses, we come equipped with an ability to pivot, and quickly, when needed.

Focus on what you love.

The biggest benefit of working with an individual for your creative and content needs is that we allow you to focus on what you love. The biggest hurdle in getting content or a project off the ground can often be a white page or blank space. Coming from an outsider’s perspective, an individual or creative can quickly and efficiently provide a jumping off point, something to react to, that gets the ball rolling so that your team can step back and keep an eye on the bigger picture.

When all is said and done, rest assured that you have lots of options for hiring out (or hiring from within!) to tackle that new and exciting project. But in a world of choice, sometimes the hardest decision is taking that first step. Looking for Strategy, Creative or Writing help? Go ahead and reach out to get the conversation started! Otherwise sites like BeHance can be a great place to start your search.


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